Fiit-ns – Consumer test on 200 people confirms an overall improvement in quality of life
Fiit-ns® is a combination of polyphenols from botanical extracts with vitamin B3, clinically proven to improve both the metabolic parameters of aging and the vitality and well-being.
A consumer test, run from June to September 2022 on 202 confirms the efficacy of Fiit-ns® in improving quality of life and related parameters. The results obtained in normal life conditions confirm the outcomes reported in the 2 published clinical studies run on the botanical-based ingredient.
This website is intended to provide information about Fytexia’s ingredients, used in various food/dietary supplement products around the world. It is only intended for business to business and to provide information to food/dietary supplement professionals and is not designed for the general public. Statements used on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other competent authority. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.